Saturday, April 12, 2008

Karaoke KJ Software SHOWDOWN!!

Okay, its been awhile I know. Hey, popularity has its price and my IT Business has been getting popular (nice to know people recognize my work with a pay cheque) Yes, I've been promising this for awhile. Bear in mind this is not software for Karaoke Boxes but for KJs. Still trying to get more data for karaoke boxes. Its all Korean and Chinese so far. The software contenders best computer (laptop) based Karaoke KJ Software are:

1. Siglos Karaoke Professional
3. KaraWin Pro (French.. Merci)
4. RoxBox Karaoke Suite
5. autOKdj with Winamp (autokdj is free so please consider donating)
6. PyKaraoke (free but its a bit technical and full professional features need separate components are beyond non-technical people but I include it for Linux users so they can have fun too but don't expect a stellar review)

So here are the contenders. Watch the blog over the next week as I download demos and test on my laptop. Haven't had the resources to review the ultimate karaoke laptop yet. Someone offered to buy a custom built laptop with HUGE space from me which truly would have been the ultimate karaoke KJ laptop but 2 months later and nothing so...nothing. If anyone wants to buy such a laptop from within Canada let me know. we're talking 500 GB on the hard drive (which you won't find in any store for a few months yet at least). Anyway, Stay tuned for the showndown. I'll be reviewing in the order listed above.Feel free to check them out yourselves as well and give comments.



At 4:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey - I like your blog, but I was wondering if there were any Karaoke boxes downtown that you would recommend (I read your review on XO...). We're ideally looking for a place that will have good selection and that won't search our bags on the way in. any suggestions?


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Jonah A. Libster said...

Interesting question. Different boxes have different policies. I know XO is doing bag searches (search some friends of mine the 12 of April, 2008). Twister is think is more easy going and have never been searched there and their selection is as good as XO's. Now they are at Yonge and Finch so that is not downtown. You could go to BMG but their selection is somewhat poor but never had searching there. Truth be told I don't hold it against places to search bags for the purpose of preventing underage drinking because I know XO has been busted once or twice for that. But to be honest, I suspect XO's motive that night was more for profit than compliance with the law. Hope this helps a little. Am trying to get more reviews going with my crazy schedule. Truly I am. am publishing software views next week and at least one new venue (public karaoke). cheers - Jonah

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Jonah A. Libster said...

Interesting question. Different boxes have different policies. I know XO is doing bag searches (search some friends of mine the 12 of April, 2008). Twister is think is more easy going and have never been searched there and their selection is as good as XO's. Now they are at Yonge and Finch so that is not downtown. You could go to BMG but their selection is somewhat poor but never had searching there. Truth be told I don't hold it against places to search bags for the purpose of preventing underage drinking because I know XO has been busted once or twice for that. But to be honest, I suspect XO's motive that night was more for profit than compliance with the law. Hope this helps a little. Am trying to get more reviews going with my crazy schedule. Truly I am. am publishing software views next week and at least one new venue (public karaoke). cheers - Jonah


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